Private Sector Projects in Al-Maghrah Area

Reclamation, supply, agriculture and technical consultations
  • 1
  • Company: United Real Estate and Agricultural Investment Company
  • Location: New Valley Governorate
  • Area: 400 acres (out of 600 acres)
  • Irrigation: Groundwater from wells
  • Project Status: Irrigation networks designed and implemented, land reclaimed, and jojoba seedlings planted

  • 2
  • Company: Rayoum Company
  • Location: Beheira Governorate
  • Area: 200 acres
  • Irrigation: Deep groundwater wells
  • Project Status: Jojoba seedlings procured
  • 3
  • Company: South Alamein Land Reclamation Company
  • Location: Al-Maghrah
  • Area: 230 acres
  • Irrigation: Deep groundwater wells with high salinity
  • Project Status: Wells drilled, solar power stations established, irrigation networks designed and installed, jojoba seedlings procured and planted
  • 4
  • Company: Al-Azbah Al-Asriya Company
  • Location: Al-Maghrah
  • Area: 230 acres
  • Irrigation: Deep groundwater wells with high salinity
  • Project Status: Wells drilled, solar power stations established, irrigation networks designed and installed, jojoba seedlings procured and planted
  • 5
  • Company: Ahl Al-Maghrah Agricultural Investment Company
  • Location: Al-Maghrah
  • Area: 230 acres
  • Irrigation: Deep groundwater wells with high salinity
  • Project Status: Wells drilled, solar power stations established, irrigation networks designed and installed, jojoba seedlings procured and planted
  • 6
  • Company: Al-Mohandes Agricultural Investment Company
  • Location: Al-Maghrah
  • Area: 230 acres
  • Irrigation: Deep groundwater wells with high salinity
  • Project Status: Wells drilled, solar power stations established, irrigation networks designed and installed, jojoba seedlings procured and planted
  • 7
  • Company: Nubian Village Agricultural Investment Company
  • Location: Al-Maghrah
  • Area: 230 acres
  • Irrigation: Deep groundwater wells with high salinity
  • Project Status: Wells drilled, solar power stations established, irrigation networks designed and installed, jojoba seedlings procured and planted
  • 8
  • Company: Wadi Al-Dhahab Land Reclamation Company
  • Location: Al-Maghrah
  • Area: 230 acres
  • Irrigation: Deep groundwater wells with high salinity
  • Project Status: Wells drilled, solar power stations established, irrigation networks designed and installed, jojoba seedlings procured and planted
  • 9
  • Company: Icadolli Agriculture and Cosmetics Manufacturing Company
  • Location: Al-Maghrah
  • Area: 230 acres
  • Irrigation: Deep groundwater wells with high salinity
  • Project Status: Wells drilled, solar power stations established, irrigation networks designed and installed, jojoba seedlings procured and planted

Significance of the Projects:

These jojoba cultivation projects demonstrate the potential of jojoba as a viable crop in Egypt’s arid regions:

  1. Economic Opportunities: Jojoba cultivation can generate income for farmers and contribute to rural development.
  2. Environmental Benefits: Jojoba plants help combat desertification, conserve soil, and improve water use efficiency.
  3. Sustainable Land Use: Jojoba can be cultivated on marginal lands, expanding the area available for agriculture.
  4. Production of Jojoba Oil: Jojoba oil is a valuable agricultural product with diverse industrial and medicinal applications.

Overall, the jojoba cultivation projects by these private companies represent a positive step towards diversifying Egypt’s agriculture, promoting sustainable land use, and generating economic opportunities in arid regions.

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