The MKG company’s project in the New Valley Governorate

Supply and installation of irrigation networks, land reclamation, planting, care, and maintenance work
  • Project Location: New Valley Governorate, Egypt

Wadi Baris Project: A Jojoba Cultivation Pioneer in Egypt

The Wadi Baris Project stands as a remarkable agricultural endeavor in New Valley Governorate, Egypt, spanning an impressive 7,500 acres. This project holds the distinction of being the largest jojoba cultivation initiative in the Middle East and Africa, poised to revolutionize the region’s agricultural landscape.

Strategic Location and Favorable Conditions

The project’s strategic location in Paris Center, New Valley Governorate, provides an ideal environment for jojoba cultivation. The arid climate and suitable soil conditions of the region perfectly complement the drought-tolerant nature of jojoba shrubs.

Sustainable Water Supply

The project’s water source, deep groundwater resources, ensures a sustainable and reliable supply for the jojoba plantations. With a salinity level ranging between 400 and 600 parts per million, this groundwater is well-suited for jojoba cultivation, minimizing potential stress on the plants.

Recognition and Awards

The Wadi Baris Project’s commitment to excellence has been recognized through prestigious awards. It has received the first-place award in New Valley Governorate and the Ambassador Project Award. Additionally, the project has been honored by the Egyptian Cabinet of Ministers, highlighting its significance as a national agricultural achievement.

Positive Impact on the Local Community

Beyond its vast acreage and accolades, the Wadi Baris Project has positively impacted the local community. It has created employment opportunities, fostered economic growth, and instilled a sense of pride and optimism among residents.

Sustainable Practices and Minimal Environmental Impact

The company’s dedication to sustainable practices further enhances the project’s value. By implementing eco-friendly measures, the project minimizes its environmental impact, preserving the region’s delicate ecosystem.

High-Quality Jojoba Oil Production

As the Wadi Baris Project matures, its jojoba plantations are poised to yield an abundance of high-quality jojoba oil, mirroring the project’s global ambitions. This valuable oil holds immense potential for various industrial and cosmetic applications, driving economic diversification and contributing to Egypt’s position as a leading producer of specialty agricultural products.

Model for Future Agricultural Development

The Wadi Baris Project stands as a beacon of agricultural innovation, demonstrating the potential to transform arid landscapes into thriving hubs of productivity. Its commitment to sustainability, economic empowerment, and global competitiveness positions it as a model for future agricultural development in Egypt and beyond.

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